Final stage of the bull market? David Hunter

We're in an unusual time': A 49-year market vet says that we've entered the final stage of the bull market in stocks as the Fed tries to handle inflation — and warns that an 80% crash is ahead

Yes, it sounds crazy…

Contrarian macro analyst David Hunter now expects the S&P 500 to meltup to 6000 by mid-year, to then implode in a 70-80% crash.

But Hunter has a history of his bold forecasts becoming reality.

In early December he predicted the S&P would soon correct to 4300. As the markets vaulted higher, the critics called him delusional.

But things reversed in January and David’s 4300 target was reached on Monday.

Will this latest — and perhaps boldest — meltup/meltdown prediction of his come to pass?

What do you think?


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