Down 15% on growth stocks. Looking for “coping”advice.

Hi, I have only invested in VTI/VXUS for 6 years before 2021. I was really blown away by how much profits my friends made on growth stocks. I decided to put 50% of my investments on growth stocks.

I only invested 10% in June 2021. I averaged down in Nov 2021 by adding another 10%. I again added 20% in January with the drop in stocks. I am now 10% cash, 40% growth stocks, 50% index funds.

I have diversified investments in 20 growth stocks. My holdings are in $SE, $ROKU, $ZM, $SQ, $COIN, $U, $SNAP, $PINS, $NET, $TTD, $MELI, $SHOP, $INMD, $DLO, $GLBE, $ABNB, $SNOW, $DOCS, $DOCU, $DOCN

Today portfolio was up 5%, overall down by 15%.

My friends had more severe drawdowns of 30% from peak, but they bought before or during March 2020. So, they are still green.

I think I will be green in a year or two. I don't need this money for 5 years. How do you all “cope” with double digit drawdowns?

I find this very painful. I talked to a few of my friends and they tell me, if 5 stocks in my list do very well in 5 years I will beat the index. I feel like this might be true but the day to day gyrations are too much.


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