Zendesk acquisition of Momentive (Survey Monkey) is 100% incompetence and borderline corrupt

I’ve never seen a company so stubborn headed pushing through an absolute atrocious acquisition with no sound logic or explanation. With 90% of investors rejecting the idea, shareholders cannot believe the incompetence being exercised.
The new CFO is clueless, letting the CEO make a rash decision. Rumors are this is part of the reason the old CFO left. The entire financial organization has had 95% turnover in the past 2 years.
If this vote succeeds and the acquisition goes through, Zendesk will likely be involved a legal battle where activist investors will try to oust the leadership.

Zendesk leadership is acting in bad faith. The two original founders Morten Primdahl and Alexander Aghassipour have been removed from the company for years. But it is now time for them to step up and prevent their company from making a fatal mistake.

The final vote occurs in 2 weeks and the stock will move 10-20% in either direction. Zendesk stock hasn’t moved while the other saas companies have dropped 20% in the past 3 weeks as saas stocks have been experiencing a market correction. Investors are waiting for this decision and there will be massive movement.


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