Two Picks from FINVIZ – WMB & NLOK

Like most everyone else, I like to scroll FINVIZ and look for potential setups.

The first one I like is WMB. Back in November it best earnings expectations by 20%. In December it had some post-ex date sell-off. Since then it has been putting in higher highs and higher lows. For the month of February it has held its $30 support. It should report earnings this month and it's next EX date is March 10.

My plan is to DCA this stock before and after earnings, and potentially add to my position after the EX date as well. Then I will look for the right time to sell CCs. WMB has a positive P/E, and I believe these companies tend to whip-lash less than their negative P/E counterparts. Thus, I will hopefully not regret having to hold on to it. At the moment, I own 25 shares!

The second one is NLOK. NLOK met its earnings expectations last week and subsequently clocked in a 20% positive jump. I would like to see NLOK test its previous supports (around $27) *or* for it to back test its 50 MA. Its next EX date is next Friday (February 18). If it falls a couple percent points, I would like to get it before EX. Otherwise, I will watch to see if there is a post-EX sell off and re-evaluate my enter. I do not own any NLOK at the moment.

Let me know your thoughts and what FINVIZ filters you have found success with.

My FINVIZ filters were

Country: USA

P/E: Profitable (>0)

Price: Under $40


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