Thoughts on Perion network? (Peri)

This company delivers online ad solutions and search Mobutu action to online businesses. It operates a variety of segments, perhaps the most important being the display advertising and Search advertising ( monetisation).

I’ve seen this stock popping up once or twice on this subreddit, just did some preliminary research, and wanted to inquire about general sentiment. I don’t have a lot of experience looking at balance sheets or financial statements, so any advice or guidance would be appreciated, as I am learning. Are there any red flags you have found while looking into Perion?

Firstly, their revenue has been growing steadily over the last 3 quarters, growing 53% over the period ending on september 30th, and revenues from display advertised essentially doubled, as it went from 80 million to 165 million.

It says on the app that thief long term debt/equity is 0%, but the ratio is 1.72, which seems very high?

anyway, does anyone have any thoughts on this particular company or sentiments?


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