Serious question for Retail Tech Investors

So I've been thinking, Is the reason that the majority of retail traders are so overleveraged tech stocks is because that's all that they know? Obviously new things are exciting. But the majority of the USA work force today are likely office workers. And they know how Microsoft, Apple, AMD, etc work cause they use those products everyday??? And they are okay buying those growth stocks at very high valuations. But as a blue collar guy I have never bought heavily into any of those tech stocks with what I thought were nose bleed valuations. And I've always bought stocks that I can understand. That's why I own stocks like $CLF, $BP, $KMI, $WNC, $GT, and other manufacturing & commodity stocks. And I am not against tech as I am fine buying & holding stocks like Intel that are used in everything that have cheap valuations.

But my question is, do we all have bias based on the bubble we live in? And is the younger tech office generation not diversifying because tech is all they know? I am not expecting an answer, but it's just something I've been pondering lately.


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