Question for finding easier way to get EV multiple Here’s an example of a stock that I’m looking at, Polaris, Inc. For my purposes, the four metrics that I use are 50 Day Moving Average, 200 Day Moving Average, PEG Ratio, and the EV Multiple. All of these are readily available information for free for most stocks using yahoo finance. However, I have to look up the EV Multiple (EV/EBITDA) for each individual stock, instead of just downloading or copy pasting from a list I can use a screener to set parameters, but can’t actually get the individual numbers for each stock easily, so I can use them in my formulas. I had this issue back in the day and just individually looked up the top 50 using the other metrics, but would like an easier workaround, and the ability to download hundreds of stocks with their EV multiple.

Thanks in advance on any advice!


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