PTON: The safest investment you can make

I’ll be flamed for this but let’s try to look at the facts. Mid January before they announced they’d no longer manufacture their bikes the stock was at $31. Since then they have:

-Laid off thousands

-Had an earnings report that said they’re lighting money on fire

-Gave guidance that pretty much said “we don’t know when we’ll make money, lol”

But it isn’t all bad because…

-Some company somewhere might possibly think about considering buying Peloton some day if they feel like it, or not

-They rolled a 68 year old man off his deathbed to become CEO (the last one took the money and ran)

Now based on all these revelations the stock has risen nearly 30%. Seriously, can anything stop this thing? If that’s all it takes to move up 30% then we should just park our money in PTON (instead of unreliable useless crap like MSFT, US treasuries, real estate, and gold).

I’m long PTON forever. Hyper bullish.


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