Opening a new account and buying stocks for my 1yr old son. Adding over time and gifting it decades later.

I currently hold a bunch of retail favourite stocks, which have been absolutely devastated recently. Ive been adding to my positions and averaging down every few weeks. The volatility is insane but my focus is longterm.

My question is: Would you buy your kid the same stocks YOU chose based on your own DD, especially at these low prices or go with an index etf longterm.

In other words, take a calculated risk on lower-mid cap growth stocks, or go safe into an index and make 7% compound annual growth over 20-30yrs.

I believe theres a lot of discounts in the market so its time to nibble and consistently add over time. What are your high conviction stocks that are in value territory and why?

For example: will Walmart and Costco be the market leader 30yrs later? Mcdonalds probably.. Will Google still be the #1 visited website in the world? What do you think is the next FAANG stock. These are the type of questions that are on my mind.

Please dont say stuff like Build a bear which is up 267% this past year. Im not interested in these types of companies longterm.

Thanks in advance!


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