Learning about Options, did I understood correctly?

I wanted to learn about options and thought that the best might be learning by doing so, so I invested in the following:

AMC FEB 25, $27 CALL (22 pc) | 0.42 DAY

from my understanding, if the price goes to 27 or above on or till 25 of Februrary, I have the right to turn those 22 call options into 22 x 100 stock, where each stock instead of $27 would then only cost me $0.42 (<-- not sure here, since it's so little), which would make it a total cost of $924 instead of $59,400? that sounds insane to me, but I guess my price calculation could be right, because in the end its a bet, right and I could lose it all?

GME FEB 18, $150 CALL (3 pc) | 3.30 DAY

here, if the price goes to 150 or above on or till 18 of Februrary, I have the right to turn those 3 call options into 3 x 100 stock, where each stock instead of $150 would then only cost me $3.30, which would make it a total cost of $990 instead of $45,000

Did I understand correctly?

How can I calculate the profit I could make, by instead of deciding to buy the stock then, just sell the options?

Would be glad to receive any feedback or judgement.

Kind regards, sorry4newbie


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