I heard you guys like high redemption deSPACs

$SST High redemption despac play with great setup. Hear me out guys, I never do DDs but here is a good cliff notes version:

(inb4 go away stonkgod)

  • $SST – System1, Inc is a98.5% redemption deSPAC only 700k float. Do you remember $ISPO running earlier today? Well $SST has a near identical setup with a HIGHER redemption rate and w/ options.

  • The ENTIRE remaining float is captured by SI (1.39%) according to TD.

  • 97.8% of ENTIRE remaining float is captured by ITM OI (Feb-August calls). 45% of entire float is captured by 2/18 calls alone. How far ITM do you ask? Currently at $12.07 and $10c is the closest option down.

  • The stock price hit $13.55 earlier today before going on a wild ride. $12.5c 2/18 alone accounts for another 600k+ shares.

  • Heavy bullish flow 2nd half of day and it only increased in the last hour, w/ $20k of big orders ranging from $2k-$3k on the $12.5c. (I’ll send pix of flow if you want).

  • Other high redemption deSPACs ran HARD today but those are old news, don’t waste your money there. This thing is going to freakin blow

  • u/repos39 posted the majority of info I used to become convicted in this play via his twitter

  • Diaclaimer: I own a variety of OTM calls expiring 2/18, mostly $15c and $12.5c. I’m Buying stock and 3/18 $7.5 and $5 puts tomorrow at open for the impending unlock which will be sometime in the not too near future.


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