Help, GRPN position down 100%!

Hi guys,

Im hoping you can help me considering my broker IBKR does not have any customer service lines open on the weekend.

So I have deposited approx 2.7 K GBP to my IBKR Margin account. I had access to approximately 9 K GBP Leverage. My positions total value sat around 4.4 K GBP (meaning im trading on about 1.6x leverage. My target position GRPN 1.8 K GBP. Dropped last night to 0 in value. I don't know why this is? I woke up this morning and saw it at 0. If it was IBKR liquidating my position due to lack excess liquidity. it should have been liquidated at 77 (Shares) x 24.05 (PPS). Is this a bug? I checked the latest news for GRPN as well and nothing significant enough for a 0 value on the shares.

Could someone please help explain or walk me through why this is the case. I have had this position open since Feb 8. First time trading on margin so not sure if I messed something up. I can bite the loss but, I just don't understand why its happened if it is my fault.


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