Elliptic Laboratories – Replacing hardware with AI software.

First of – forgive my bad English.

Elliptic laboratories – are an upcoming company from Norway.
At the moment they trade at a minor marked. But in marts – they will be listed onto the main marked of Norway – The Oslo hovedbørs.

Product ?
https://ellipticlabs.com/technology/ – see details at their website.
“Elliptic Labs develops AI Virtual Smart Sensors™ that use AI, ultrasound, and sensor fusion to detect people and their surroundings.”
– In short term.. they have created an AI software which goes by the name “inner beauty”.
This software uses microphone and speakers to detect presence of people in the surrounding.
This ability was until lately a primary job for a physical proximity sensor.
This means that… Manufactures can now replace physical proximity sensors with “Inner beauty” software.
Which are preferable do to: Lower cost pr unit, less hardware pr unit, minimizing logistic challenging and makes a product a tiny more Environment friendly.

The investing case:
Elliptic laboratories – are already in lots of smartphones product.
At q3 they said that they wanted to become a standard solution in Chinese Xiaomi –
And on sep 28 – they announced ” Elliptic Labs Signs a Significant Enterprise License Agreement with Xiaomi” source: https://ellipticlabs.com/2021/09/28/elliptic-labs-signs-a-significant-enterprise-license-agreement-with-xiaomi/
For those who don't know what's an enterprise licens is about: It means that Xiaomi now has licens to use Inner beauty in all of their products.

Elliptic laboratories – has guided 500M NOK by 2023 as guiding.
CFO – has said that one laptop enterprise licens will be enough for them to reach their guiding.

On jul 13 – 2021 – Elliptic Labs has signed its first enterprise software license agreement with one of the top three leading global laptop/PC manufacturers:


This above would be the golden egg, and the investment case for this company.
It is expected that on q4 – marts 2022 that numbers from the agreement or name of the manufactor will be released.

HOWever: in the meanwhile.
15'th december 2021 – this announcement came: Elliptic Labs is collaborating with Intel Corporation to enable Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform™ on Intel-architecture-based PCs and Intel-enabled IoT devices.
Source: https://ellipticlabs.com/2021/12/15/elliptic-labs-brings-ai-virtual-smart-sensor-platform-to-the-pc-market/

So now not only has Elliptic laboratories an ongoing enterprise software licens with one of the top three leading global laptop/pc manufactures.
But they will be available as a choice to buy at products from INTEL. This is huge.

I believe that being able to gesture a screen without touching it, will be some new standard do post corona virus.

The price at this moment: 2,5 Dollars or 22,5 NOK .

I rest my case with a list of announcements happened since Q3 until now from this under the radar company:

– Elliptic Labs Signs Another License Agreement with Current Smartphone Customer

Sep 8, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Signs Contract With a Large Smartphone Customer

Sep 10, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Launches AI Virtual Smart Sensor™ on Xiaomi Mi 11T Smartphone

Sep 16, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Signs a Significant Enterprise License Agreement with Xiaomi

Sep 28, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Launches AI Virtual Smart Sensor™ on Two Black Shark Smartphones

Oct 13, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Signs PoC Agreement with a Leading Global Smart TV Manufacturer

Oct 18, 2021

– Elliptic Labs and Syntiant to Bring Always-On, Ultra-Low-Power Experiences to Bosch’s spexor Device

Oct 26, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Launches AI Virtual Proximity Sensor™ on High Volume Redmi Note 11 and Note 11 Pro Smartphones

Oct 29, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Signs Proof of Concept Agreement with A Leading PC OEM for All-in-One PC System

Nov 1, 2021

– Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Proximity Sensor™ Announced on HONOR 60 and HONOR 60SE Smartphones

Dec 1, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Signs Software License Agreement with New Smartphone Customer for Seven Smartphone Models

Dec 13, 2021

– Elliptic Labs Brings AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform™ to the PC Market

Dec 15, 2021

– Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Proximity Sensor™ Launches on Four Xiaomi Redmi Smartphone Models for Global Markets

Jan 27, 2022


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