Do you ever buy a stock just out of pure sentiment?

So like many on this sub, I got into investing during the 2020 corona crash. After many initial failures I figured out a mixed ETF/stock strategy, which I now follow. A part of it is investing into companies with great outlooks and hold them for many years, thus actually investing.

With some cash on hand I have seen many decent companies bleed out during the recent months. While the distance from fair valuation is still debatable, I couldn't help myself and bought some Spotify. Although the music industry might not be the most profitable one and profits are still to be made, I believe there is more money to be made in other sectors.

Nonetheless I simply adore their product. For 5€ as a student I get access to basically all of the worlds music. The app is great and while expanding into podcasts they don't fail to innovate. So I just decided to open a small position after the recent dip. Don't expect to make a lot of money from it, but will hold for many years to come.

What are your non-conviction positions you simply hold because you love the product?


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