Why is the fed still pushing an accommodative monetary policy?!?

We need a restrictive policy if we are going to have any chance of bringing inflation down or even slowing it. I don’t think people fully understand we are on our way to hyperinflation and a recession. The doves and the bulls don’t want to go hear it, I get it, I really do. Nobody wants a bear market. But let’s look at our priorities! Do we want a recession during a pandemic? I don’t and I’m sure the low-mid income families with less than 1k in savings don’t either. Why are we still “stimulating” our economy. People need to go back to work so we can get over this supply chain shock and try to battle our 20% trade deficit!! Our economy is weak and overheating and the fed is gonna drive us into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Thanks for coming to my pre apocalyptic Ted talk


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