Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

I'm moderately worried, as a full-blown capitalist pig whose politics don't align even slightly with those of anyone in charge.

You see, somewhere along the line, like two weeks ago, governments, in collusion with banks, decided it isn't “what you own”, it's “who you know”.

When everyone else cheered that England decided to snatch an oligarch's yacht, the world changed for me.

Pretty much anyone who supported Putin, associates now or associated in the past with Putin, or really basically even KNOWS Putin, who also has assets in “the West”, has seen their shit essentially stolen.

“You got rich in Russia? Well fuck you. Those accounts belong to us because your Leader, without your help, consent, or possibly even knowledge, did something we don't like so since we're too chickenshit to actually go to war, we're just gonna seize your shit.”

We've seen the Canadian PM and Finance Minister LITERALLY SAY they were seizing assets of anyone who they considered a radical and SPECIFICALLY mentioned “anyone who donated to pro-Trump groups”.

What happens two years from now when I donate a grand to Trump's campaign and some unhinged idiot mails anthrax to a democrat? Will they start seizing assets of anyone they consider “radical”, with radical being defined by their political contributions? We've already seen the IRS specifically told (yes, it's in writing and the FOIA requests have shown it) to audit people associated with the Tea Party due to their politics.

When did it become not just okay, but cheered, for governments to literally steal the assets of private citizens based on their associations and politics?

We're heading down a dark path here folks… and 99% of people are cheering as they march into the abyss.

TLDR: Looking very hard at moving the bulk of my liquid assets to crypto until this shakes out.


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