Why is it so hard to pull the trigger?

I'm a relatively new investor. Been doing only for about 3 years. I've been learning a lot and my strategy have changed over that time.

My current strategy is to invest mostly in index funds, with the occasional stock if it feels clearly undervalued for me.

About two years ago with the market being down I bought a lot of stocks that have since then recovered, making me some decent profit. It's still a small account but I'm proud of it.

I really want to close most of those positions and put that money into index funds. When the market is down it's very easy to see what companies are undervalued, but now with the market doing well it's harder for me to see what companies are worth investing in. I have high risk tolerance but also know I won't be able to beat the market long term.

Anyways… I'm having a hard time closing some of those positions to follow my strategy. My brain knows that's the smarter financial decision but my heart hurts knowing I bought those positions for so cheap and don't want to get rid of them. I've trying to pull the trigger for over a week but can't get myself to do it. Buying is so much easier than selling. How do I get over this feeling? 🤣


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