Why I’m Bearish

  1. Interest rates r not priced in as no one knows what they will be. Additionally, analysts base their goofy PTs off the 10 year, which will change, which will cause analysts to slash said PTs.
  2. GDP is whateverish and unemployment is extremely contaminated data.
  3. No one has any idea what inflation is at. If you use the old metrics it would show us at around 16%. The amount of money this country printed and gave away is unreal. Wages cannot match.
  4. If Russia invades, it will affect gas, neon, palladium, etc. n screw everyone.
  5. Supply chain is a little better, but we are months if not a year or two away from getting back. People do not want to work and wages are an issue…a major one.
  6. Deaths are still high with Covid. Winter is ending and we might be in a downtrend, but herd immunity with this sort of virus is not permanent…short-lived in fact. Additionally it could mutate and we all could die.

In summation, I am bearish. That is not to say that I will not buy when we find the bottom. 7(freebee). Stocks are still overvalued, like NVDA for example, which needs to come way down. When it does, I will take my short/inverse gains and buy it.


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