Which website(s) offers option chain list data that is not delayed 15 minutes and lists contract prices changes in percentage?

I thought yahoo finance had a great options chain …all the contract price changes are listed in percent (as well as dollar amount) but there seems to be a huge delay in the morning so i am guessing the data is delayed by at least 15minutes…. right?

Other websites offer option chain lists data but their data is delayed by 15 minutes and some dont list contract price changes in percentage but rather just give it dollar amount…and some websites require you to pay to access

Some websites require you to register which is something i dont mind doing unless they ask for my social security number (SIN) and phone number … cause you know its all going to get leaked / hacked one day 🙁

so are there any websites that will just give the options chain data, with percent change, without delay and free of charge?


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