Where is everyone’s contrarian spirit??

Ok I’m going to get crushed with the downvotes, but I’ll be the martyr

There’s no sugarcoating it, Cathy Wood’s Ark Funds got clobbered, her strategy does work in the current environment. I’m not arguing that she’s the best fund manager of all time. No risk management

I’m just looking at the stocks in ARKK such as Zoom, Tesla, Block, Shopify, Teladoc, Roku, etc. and asking myself do we really think these stocks won’t be around 5 years from now?

These stocks are all down like 80% or more from ATHs and a lot of these stocks are trading well below pre-pandemic levels

The bottom for the S&P 500 and QQQ was around September 2002 during the dot.com bubble, and March 2009 for the financial crisis.

Apple, which was more speculative back then before it was the tech giant today, bottomed in 12/2000 and 12/2008.

Netflix bottomed in 7/2007.

Google bottomed in 11/2008.

Amazon bottomed in 9/2001 and 11/2008.

The point is that high-growth, more speculative tech companies hit their bottom months or up to a year before the broad index funds.

To outperform the market you need to be doing something radically different

Everyone gave up on Cathy’s stocks a while ago and the the sentiment towards her and her strategies are sooo negative right now. It may soon be time to buy the fear. To follow the herd is to buy high and sell low after that 2020 stimulus bubble in equities

Cathy may be a fool in this market cycle, but how the f$ck are you people not buying at least a few shares of these ARK funds? It’s much closer to a bottom than the broad index funds


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