They say BlackRock owns the world.
It’s the Nr. 1 issuer of ETFs and has the most Assets under Management (I think about 10 trillion)
What do you think about the Business and the Stock?
I have some pro‘s and con‘s that I would like to share with you.
Blackrock profits from the passive investing trend.
Blackrock has very much influence (proxy votes and so on)
Political risk (because of the big influence)
Risk from rising rates; I think that people would tend to take the money from the ETFs and put it in safer assets like Bonds (?)
Competition. Yes, Blackrock is huge but I think vanguard and many other companies could be a serious thread. Reducing costs would draw customers away from iShares ETFs.
Low brand loyalty (?) – I mean, I don’t care if it’s an iShares or Vanguard ETF on the S&P 500 as long as costs are good.
What do you think about this company/stock?
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