What will be the impact on Walmart’s share value – if people start boycotting chinese companies over china’s continued business with Russia?

At some point the boycotts of Russia will move down the map into china – when the sanctions started it was a few Russian billionaires, until the Public outcry was about why are you protecting Putin personally – within two days Putin and Larinov were sanctioned, next OIl/NG were not on the list – now some countries are flirting with those sanctions, after that its going to be all the commodities! About two or three months from now when there's nothing left to sanction in Russia it will be about who is still profiting from Russia business which will eventually lead to companies like Walmart who do massive business in Chinese products – So my ? is how long until we start seeing an impact of Western enablers via chinese operations and what % of an impact do we expect on the share value of those kinds of companies – given shell's choice to continue russian oil business – I suspect well first see the impact on there next 1/4ly report on the retail business side as consumers shop elsewhere – the $ damage may be rather small given we are alread more than 2/3 thru the first 1/4 but I suspect we may get a hint on the transaction side numbers! Food for thou!


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