What to do with my Chevron stock

So I was gifted shares of Texaco when I was born (1989.) In 2022, that equates to 68 shares of Chevron (CVX)

My question is what to do with it. It seems clear, that at least in short term, oil will go up. Chevron also has very little invested into Russia.

However, my investing goals are more long term then needing any of that cash right now. Only reason I would need that money would be towards a down payment of an apt (Live in NYC.) But that would be at least 3 years away.

Way I look at it have a few options:

1) Let it ride. Don’t sell anything and just keep holding.

2) Sell all/part of it and put it into a index fund . Use $5,000 from the sale to max out my Roth IRA for the year.

Just wanted to see what people think about this situation


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