I know the simples answer is hold and time in the market beats timing the market.
But PTON was a meme buy after it rised so much and I didn't really needed the money now I'm kind of stuck at -51% indecise between holding for a recover or selling and just taking the loss.
FB I'm more concerned, don't have a lot of money in it, but it's 6% of my portofolio with a 21% total loss. The truth is I didn't had a plan buying it, did it as a begginer because I thought it was at a good price at 243$.
Lastly AMD also have a 21% lost but I'm more confident in getting the money back.
I didn't want to buy back more so probably the options specially with FB and PTON are:
Selling and investing in a better company that in the long term will make up for the loss;
Holding long term and hope for the best, which seems unlikely with PTON.
Every help and comment is much appreciated, thanks!
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