What is your Dollar Cost Averaging Perspective?

After making some painful rookie mistakes due to a lack of time to learn enough about investing that I could make informed decisions, I have decided to switch to a more relaxed strategy. I want to build up positions in dividend aristocrats, and possibly a couple of growth stocks that also pay a dividend.

My question to the sub is, what is your opinion on timing for Dollar Cost Averaging? Let's say that I plan to invest $100/month into any given stock. In my head it makes the most sense to invest $5 every day of the week. Assuming a 4 week month, that would get me to my $100 goal and seemingly limit the risk of buying the full $100 at a high point, or even $25 four separate times.

I have read several posts on this sub about DCA, but none have really answered this for me. What do you see as the benefits/risks of investing a pre-determined amount on a daily v weekly v monthly basis?


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