Watching TGT closely

I am eagerly awaiting TGT earnings on Tuesday next week. I am long TGT and hold it as my second largest individual position. I have tremendous conviction and love the business. Over the past couple months the stock price has taken a beating and sits about 25% off it’s highs in the $260s. As the market rallied the last couple days TGT has ridden the wave up as well but remains in the $200 threshold. With solid growth and an attractive valuation next to its peers I am waiting to see if my retail darling pops after earnings. I personally am betting on seeing strong revenues and solid forecasts but am concerned earnings might have taken a hit due to increased costs that target is trying not to pass on to consumers.

At these prices target looks like an attractive buy to me and I am very curious to see if buying continues on Monday into earnings and what he report looks like Tuesday.

Anyone else watching or buying?


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