Uber Receives 5000+ Assault Reports Each Year And Was Down Until 2023 — Do You Think They Actually Can Make It?

According to stats, Uber gets around 5,000 sexual assault reports a year, and they still haven’t really dealt with it properly, even though they heavily advertise as “a ride you can trust.”

On top of that, Uber only turned a profit last year in their annual operating income, whereas in 2019, they had an $8B loss during their dramatic IPO.

They claim everything's improving now because their CEO has “revamped” the company culture — but I’m still not seeing any decline in these assaults or crashes reports. Or is growth more important than human lives? I’ll never ride Uber again — worst passenger experience of my life.

Maybe they should just change CEOs? Or stop expanding so chaotically and focus on the U.S. market instead? Uber ride was the most awful passenger experience, will never order it again


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