Trusted information outlets

In the beginning stages and with so many outlets for leads on stocks, bonds, eft's etc that may or may not do well both short and long term ; I'm trying to figure out what is the best source for genuine information and breakdowns on stocks without having to read countless emails from advisor services leading you for a subscription. So far I've started to kind of trust Motley Fool and Market Junkie (which both require subscriptions), but then the more I read the more I question the validity of their claims. I'm sure we've all seen the ad's I'm referring to. I've began normalizing deeply researching things I've considered taking a position on and I'm comfortable taking some risk but I also think that any investor/trader wants as much information as possible so he/she can imply the best possible strategy for the best possible outcome. Who or where do I go for good positive leads ? I've heard about facebooks groups, a few podcast and even other subs but I can't help but question the validity of the information. Am wrong for this way of thinking? Is my methodology scary ? Meanwhile I am working on being a better risk taker but over all I want to be able to make good educated decisions when it comes to building a strong and successful portfolio. What do I do moving forward ?


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