Timing the market vs time in the market, OK. But doesn’t it depends on the context ?

I know I know, every time the market fall, answers are always the same « time in the market > timing the market ». But isn’t this a way for people to reassure ? In the context we have for more than half a year now, isn’t a little gain better than a big loss and a long waiting ? Sure DCA exists, but it’s just an another way to count. It helps to recover faster, it doesn’t avoid losses.

I agree this quote works in a normal world, but we are currently not in a normal world anymore.

There has not been a single good news for a while, there isn’t going to be any good news anytime soon. All the worst possible situations are happening one after the other. It all looks like a worldwide Murphy’s law.

In this kind of situations and in your opinion, is holding and wait for months (years ?) just to recover losses really better than selling and wait calmly for the situation to settle down ?


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