Thoughts on SQ, ABNB, SE

I hold all three stocks above and I plan to keep them for the long term based on three secular trends that I can observe at this moment in time:

ABNB: Remote working trend + millenials wanting to live freely around the world instead of getting tied down to a single location (partly due to house prices inflating much faster than wages). This is going to be supported by the increasing connectivity of our world driven by 5G, cloud and the metaverse.

SQ: Fintech + blockchain, the direction we're all inevitably heading towards. Even though this space is rather competitive, the pie is big enough for everyone and SQ with its strong buyer-seller ecosystem and fast growing user base will definitely be one of the leaders in the industry.

SE: E-commerce is still largely untapped in emerging markets (heck, even in the US) and there is no doubt that Shopee is the unbeatable leader here, grabbing market shares from all its peers through aggressive marketing. Given that they are funding their expansion with their profitable gaming segment instead of constantly sourcing money from the crowd / taking on excessive debts, I have high conviction that they will be the AMZN of south east asia and beyond.

All 3 companies have released their earnings and while not perfect, all my points above are proved to be true. Valuation aside, is there anything else that I need to consider before piling on more (monthly DCA) into these companies? Any risks that I missed out or any concerns on their growth?

What do you guys think? Mind sharing your thoughts?


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