These Massive Swings In the Market Due to Hackers?

I just don't see how its based on 'rates' We knew rates could be going up and priced in 7 rate hikes.

Meanwhile, we still have low interest rates, massive amounts of QE still being injected each month.

Now we see the Russian Stock market drop names by 50% in a day…..Our stocks making 50% swings intraday that are worth tens of billions. Makes me wonder if our hackers are battling

I wonder if 'state' actors are glitching out algos and causing forced selling and we aren't hearing about this because everyone would panic if they realized what was happening.

Any insight on this? I just pray APPLE/MSFT/GOOGL is really secure. A breach of those companies by Russia would cause markets to drop by 50%+ in a day if all our data got taken


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