Tesla, winner from the energy Crisis?

Okay, i know there are going to be some bulls and bears here but I just want any input you guys can give to build a thesis.

Tesla, since we are going through a world wide energy crisis I’m sure countries are scrambling to find alternatives to natural gas from places like Russia. Basically minimize dependency on countries that pose higher hostility levels.

Tesla has the brand, they can scale and they are the “Apple” of EV’s and possibly energy storage. Musk has been propping up people perspectives about him and his companies capabilities… just look at what starlink did with Ukraine. Infact musk has been the only American CEO that has had contact with Ukrainian president.

Tesla is rapidly expanding in Europe (the biggest dependers of Russian oil). Could there be a chance that the countries in Europe incentivize companies like Tesla to help the acceleration of renewable energy? They have the ecosystem with the roofs, power walls and of course EV’s. You can make the argument the competition is coming and what not but the benchmark for renewable energy and EV’s is nothing else other than Tesla. Even the U.S under the administration that fails to mention Tesla will probably work with Tesla to make accelerate this transition.

I think that the world has gone through a severe shock and the acceleration for RE has been multiplied from what it was 3 months ago. I took the time to call my family members and asked them what they thought about Gas prices and they of course complained… they proceeded to say “we need to get a Tesla” not an EV but a Tesla. It’s like saying iPhone to a phone. This has power and it has mental real estate that Apple has and has made them incredibly big.

I was sitting in a college class and one girl has a Tesla model Y and she was talking to three people how much she loved it and how she spent about $4 for a charge of 80% of the battery. It makes perfect sense.

I think that the stock has performed the way it has because of the issues going around in the macro environment… but if we speed up 5 years and look back we’ll see that in hindsight it makes perfect sense that Tesla is the winner.

Of course this is just my opinion. Not financial advice whatsoever. I’d like to know your thoughts and perhaps share something I might not know. Thnx


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