Swing and Cyclical trades

Good day stock enthusiasts. Reddit is great for finding Volume stocks, I have found more than a handful of swing companies from here to include (planet labs, Rocket labs, ASTS, and quantumscape to name a few.

I am hoping the collective mind of reddit can help me with some Cyclicals specifically in the below context. Im looking for seasonal trends beyond the obvious. Some obvious may include buying Walmart or target in Sept Oct then selling in Jan because of holiday shopping, or purchasing a videogame system a year before a new system release to sell once the release drops think NTDOY now expecting next yr but without official news its just rumors now (I think) Buying natural gas companies mid summer expecting to sell in winter when homes need natural gas for heat or AC and utility companies in winter knowing summer bills are more expensive. Are any of you willing to share what cycles you pay attention to and why? i follow jolts reports to purchase restaurant etfs for example. what indexes do you follow for JOLTS or VIX what cycles do you follow with what industry. if you dont want to leave companies thats fine I am reaching out for some help to fine tune my strategies. i provided some companies for good faith… thank you for your consideration.


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