Strategies to mentally get through huge (40%) losses?

Hi everyone,
I know this is extremely disgusting that people are dying as we speak and I care more about money than their suffering but I feel so bad. It's always been easy reading about people who sold in covid crash and thinking 'what an idiot' but now I'm the one who's holding huge losses (down around 40%). So, my portfolio is mainly Polish value stocks (home bias) and this morning I thought I would be clever by loading up on more of my main holding (Asbis, my avergae buy price was 21.52 before I bought more today at 13) and I bought Kęty and Kernel (Polish/Ukrainian value plays) but I caught falling knives.

I wanted to buy these companies anyway, I still believe in their fundamentals (Kernel is risky AF but only a small portion of my portfolio). Any mental strategies to get through this time and just hold?
(I will continue to DCA).


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