Stocks falling, I’m nervous

Only started investing in stock market the last week of May. Apparently I chose the wrong time period to jump in. I had some money in my savings that I wasn't doing much with except using it to buy cds or collecting like .01% interest lol after doing intensive research and getting feedback, I finally decide to invest in the stock market by myself, my bank advisors tried to convince me to invest in certain mutual funds managed by them but the expense ratios were too high which I learned from reading Reddit to avoid. I thought 2024 to 2025 would be a great bull market throughout, it may still be the case but l'm just discouraged right now. I ended investing around 127,000 usd. I would buy stocks periodically, not lump during these few months. I would buy some at highs and some at dips by chance. From last week of May to today, I lost around 14,000usd so far :/

what I learn in the past few months is that even when earnings are good or bad, it doesn't mean the stock will respond correctly and go up and down with it. I learn that politics and emotions can lead stocks to fluctuate despite good or bad earnings/ foundations.

Yes by doing research, I learn the importance of diversity. So I invested in etfs, tech/food/energy/ health/waste individual stocks, and also put some in a money market. I'm glad I didn't splurge all of my savings. I still have money in savings, and a cd.

I know I should just hold on and wait for it to hopefully recover. Hopefully in 30 years or so, my overall portfolio will be decent and I can have a good retirement and take good care of my parents when they're older and help my siblings/etc if needed. I've been living mostly frugal and not going out with friends much and not spending money on random things to develop the funds I have now, and now I'm kind of afraid/nervous of losing majority of it.

I'm going to try to do and hold. I'm just discouraged right now realizing I jumped into the stock market at the wrong time, yeah no one can see the future, please give me some encouragement, thank you


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