Given current valuation:
O: PE 76, Div 4.39%, 52w 56-72 @67
STAG: PE 33.8, Div 3.7%, 52w 31-48 @39.6
WPC: PE 34.5, Div 5.43%, 52w 66-83 @77
Which one of these would you buy? My largest position of these 3 is O. O to STAG to WPC is 5:2:1 (value)
Given current valuation:
O: PE 76, Div 4.39%, 52w 56-72 @67
STAG: PE 33.8, Div 3.7%, 52w 31-48 @39.6
WPC: PE 34.5, Div 5.43%, 52w 66-83 @77
Which one of these would you buy? My largest position of these 3 is O. O to STAG to WPC is 5:2:1 (value)
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