Should I sell Intel?

Around last Monday i decided to put 50% of my savings from my job into stocks (I am definitely 18, so I don't have many expenses, so I decided to YOLO it).

I did some research and decided to buy FDX, GD, RTX, T, VALE, CHK (I have had this for around 3 months), CRWD (Buy low sell high type beat), and finally intel (if I'm being honest I didn't do too much reaserch on it, my thought process was that they were cheap and had such a high reputation in the cpu market that it made sense).

I have now realized my mistake, and some people are saying that it will only continue to plummet, but others are saying to hold and don't sell low.

Could someone please lmk what they would do if they were in my situation, and also roast my portfolio while your at it too.

TLDR: I brought intel right before it crashed (7/29) and are wondering if I should sell it off and take the loss. Also roast my portfolio while your at it (FDX, GD, RTX, VALE, CHK, CRWD, INTC, T)


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