Should I even be buying individual stocks?

Should someone like myself even be purchasing individual stocks? I only started buying stocks recently (2020/2021) along with many others who don’t know what their doing. I’m going to keep it real….I HATE researching stocks! I couldn’t care less about PE ratios, forward or backwards, market share etc etc..(and whatever ever else people look at to evaluate companies and stocks). Rather … I simply ‘believe’ in a sector ex. EV’s, Pot stocks, metaverse and then just buy individual stocks I think might be related or involved in that sector in the future. That’s it. No research. No crunching number, no reading reports of any kind.

As one might expect I’ve racked up a hodge podge disjointed stocks, many down significantly. Down like 50-70% in some cases. I don’t even know if I should hold them or sell them at this point? I don’t know how to properly evaluate companies, and beyond that I have very little interest in doing that.

Honest question, is it ok for me to continue to buy stocks? Or must you always do due diligence and go over each company with a fine tooth comb (which I don’t know how to do). Or should I just skip individual stock investments altogether buy more diverse ETF’s and mutual funds?


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