Scrutiny on single use plastics – is Ball Corporation (world’s largest aluminum can maker) a play?

Hi all, had some thoughts I'd like to sanity check when considering buying into Ball Corporation, world's largest maker of aluminum cans, as there is more trend to avoiding plastics for both environmental and health reasons (IE Microplastics).

I'm noticing more and more the emergence of aluminum bottles for waters and the like in stores around me. Nothing revolutionary, but I definitely notice them more.

Here's an example:

There is also some handwaving in the general direction of the problem of single use plastics by the US Government, including phasing out on federal property by the 2030's and elimination by 2040. Will it happen? Probably not, but the handwaving is there.

For instance:

So I also note that Ball Corporation – who make these lovely mason jars I use every now and then for making tomato sauces and the like – are the world's largest manufacturer of Aluminum cans. So I suppose my question is, can they make more of them and will the company be a long-term play?

There are a few other players in this space, but Ball is the one I hear the most about. They also were dabbling in Aerospace for a hot minute there, but they've sold out of that to focus on their core packaging business.

I've only done a quick scan, the numbers don't look like lighting the world on fire right now, and they had a few revenue misses. But… I'm open to hopping in given the above.

Would love some thoughts.


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