Russia, Ukrain, semiconductors, oil, where do we all put our funds

I have been buying the dip (whenever the Dow goes below 34,000) since June 2021. I am going to keep buying the dip, but wanted to start a conversation about what all is unfolding on the other side of the world and what this all means for those who invest heavily in semiconductors and/or oil.

Per their reporting, more than 90% of semiconductor-grade neon used in U.S. semiconductor manufacturing is supplied from Ukraine, while 35% of palladium necessary for the chips comes from Russia.

Oil could will hit $122/barrel

I know this seems overly generalizing, but I do believe if a person buys as much SOXX/USO and holds for the decade/6 months respectively, they will easily make money. I myself own 192 of SOXX and 33 of USO. I do also own 187 of OILU, but I am not an advocate for leveraged stuff.

What should we, on this sub, be doing right now? Wait another month to see where things are?

I am tied between the 2 phrases “sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing” and “be greedy when there is blood in the streets”.


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