Re: My shorting competition post 4 months ago

Hi, about 4 months ago(119 days) I created a thread asking which stocks people here would short through to the end of the year. I’ll link to the original thread in comments below.

My idea was that a lot of threads here end up being stock hyping threads. I also don’t actually have the money, options knowledge, or cajones to buy puts. Another thing, mathematically, a stock can go up forever but can only go down 100%. You may also have a good idea, but miss on timing. But this was a good way to sit on the sidelines for entertainment purposes, and see how people do.

Companies people named, and how they performed since September 2.(Ordered from best to worst to short)

  1. $CVNA- One person mentioned the stock that I’m choosing as the winner here. -84% u/dartfanatic mentioned this.
  2. $AFRM – Also chosen by the same commenter who chose #1. -56% since our September start date.
  3. $TSLA- – 54%, mentioned by 5 people including myself. I’d have never guessed it would fall so hard and so fast. Thanks Elon.
  4. $COIN- -45%
  5. $ROKU- -38%, someone mentioned that choosing a company like this is a better call than ARKK, they were correct.
  6. $MSTR: – -35%
  7. $AMZN and $LEU: tie at -34%
  8. $META: -24%
  9. $ARKK: -23%
  10. $NSANY: -18%
  11. $AAPL: -16%
  12. $NVDA: -8% but worth noting that they were volatile enough that perhaps you could have sold while it fell -17%, or you could have been ripped to pieces when they popped up 60% from that low.

Then we start getting into the Short picks that didn’t quite work, which is a shorter list given the tanking market.

  1. $TLT – -9%
  2. $LQD – Bond etf, only down -2.7%
  3. $JNK – Another bond etf, only -1.8%
  4. $DLVHF- Delivery hero, a European doordash type of stock. Up 8%.
  5. $PST – Treasury shorting etf, up 10%
  6. $GE- +15%
  7. $FSLR- Solar stock, +18%
  8. $PFIX- Interest rate hedge etf, +21%
  9. Finally, the biggest loser actually ended up being the top voted comment in that thread. The commenter picked “BMW or Siemens” because European industrial type of companies should feel the hurt from the Russian war. BMW is up 24% and Siemens up 37% since our starting point in September.

Happy New Year.


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