PYPL: Thoughts/Discussions?

  • Venmo has immense growth value and has recently been added as a payment method to Amazon. This seems to be overshadowed by a lot of the recent bad news.
  • Venmo's user base is all millenial something that indicates high growth potential. Everyone at college uses it to settle transactions and they have begun moving into the crypto space along with recent news emerging about a stablecoin.
  • Nancy Pelosi recently exercised call options to buy the stock which means its bullish from a policy perspective
  • Insiders are buying up shares so bullish from insiders perspective
  • Next earnings is May and with all the downturn they've recently had there is only more pressure for them to outperform expectations

The downsides are obviously there are a lot of bagholders likely looking to get out and that will create a lot of selling pressure whenever there are pops…

Without dragging on the discussion too long any reason not to dump at least some money into one of the oversold fintech stocks?


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