Post Russian conflict theory: large investments in alternative energy in Europe & potential opportunities in the stock market.

The European Union supplies nearly 40 percent of its gas and more than a quarter of its oil from Russia. That energy heats Europe's homes, powers its factories and fuels its vehicles and is a key resource for the continent.
I believe that the current conflict with Russia will lead to heavy investments in alternative sources of energy. A pressure to do this already exists from climate change but the conflict with Russia will bring it to the next level. European leaders will be determined to lower their extreme energy dependence on russia and should start seriously investing in other sources of energy.

I think this is not a novel idea and seems quite an obvious strategic decision.

I am looking for european stocks or index funds focused on renewable energy or energy in general that will benefit from my theory. It is also good to note that we just experienced a small crash in the market so it's the perfect time to scoop up shares for cheap. Once all of this war settles down, European leaders will announce plans for funding in energy and these stocks will boom.

What do you guys think? I need good recommendations for stocks or index funds.


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