Palantir Gotham as a Military Stock

Hi Everyone,

The military budgets of all the western countries are increasing vastly and will increase further in the next 5/10 years. In Europe especially some rich countries are doubling their budgets.

Many have started to buy shares of the typical hardware military company (BAE Systems, LHM, etc).

However, I'm thinking of Plantir as a better play. All the hardware buying will have to be backed by software, especially software that helps planning, executing, and monitoring an operation in real-time.

This is what Palantir Gotham does, watch their demo/presentation video (mods don't like YT links here).

Once a country/company buys into Palantir that becomes part of the budget, practically forever, those software licenses would always be there and only grow in time. Palantir has one of the best retention rates, and its customers keep spending more.

What are your thoughts?


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