“Never sell” stocks you own or want to own

Disclaimer: By “never,” I don’t mean absolutely never. Obviously, companies can change, and should something change that gives us good reason to sell rather than hold, we should sell. That being said, are there any stocks you “never” plan to sell that you’re either holding or really want to buy?

I have a few, but four in particular are stronger than others…

1) GOOG – Need I explain this one? Unless/until someone challenges them for internet supremacy, they’re going nowhere.

2) COST – Inflation-proof, profits up the wazoo, loyal customer base, positive reputation among own staff, and still expanding. What’s not to love?

3) PEP – The only way I sell this one is if they no longer control both the snack and beverage business, and that’s not likely to happen. People simply don’t stop eating their favorite snacks or drinking their favorite beverages.

4) PG – They practically control the household products market. Like Pepsi with snacks, they have strong brands we use every day that people simply won’t stop buying.


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