Nasdaq will be in Bear Market upon opening

Be mindful of “buying the dip”. Inflation is higher than it's been since the 70s, FED is ratcheting up rates for possibly years to come (supposedly well into 2023), $9 Trillion Balance sheet will be allowed to run-off, KYIV WILL FALL and it won't be the end of this, Housing is at all time highs, rent is pricing people out, Russia which is the 11th largest economy in the world by GDP is collapsing – it will have effects on dependent economies, and all the while Markets are still considered over-valued (CAPE Schiller P/E retreating somewhat but still at historical highs, Buffett Indicator, etc.) The markets have the ability to fall further and this conflict/war has potential to get out of control. Just be mindful out there and focus on asset protection/preservation. No shame on letting the markets stabilize a bit before deciding to make moves. Even COVID took a few months to stabilize, I think this will take longer, but the point is just give it time.


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