My theory on tech stocks given Russia

First and foremost I feel horrible for the people of Ukraine! I am hoping for a swift resolution to this and I’m praying this does not lead to significant or ideally any loss of life!

When I look at the history we have seen sharp rebounds in the US stock markets within a few months of wars. In addition to that the markets were getting wrecked by the FEDs indecision on rate hikes.

I believe that because of the price instability, war in Russia, the belief that inflation is transitory (given oil prices are going to surge) , we will see moderated rate hikes, something the market may not have priced.

If they tighten to much which I think will be very hesitant to do so… they will further thank the market. Therefore long duration tech and growth may see a bounce in price. In fact I heard a few people on Bloomberg talk about buying profitable tech

Again my thoughts are with those affected by the conflicts!

Any comments or thoughts are welcomed.


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