My 5 year old Beat my Returns Again in 2022.

Year end and I’m down 19%. My 5 year old daughter is down 14%! For comparison sake the S&P500 is down 18.11%. She has a Schwab UGMA account and gets $50/mo and has been picking a stock a month since she turned 4 (20 months ago). Her picks are just random brands she knows of (Apple, Disney, Nike, Starbucks, Coke, Tyson, Domino’s, Netflix, Google, Marriott, Target, McDonalds, etc…) and usually driven by questions like, “can I buy cheese pizza or dinosaur chicken stock?” And “can I buy YouTube stock?” Or “mom shops at Target” and “I like the vanilla milkshake at Starbucks.”

I’m seriously considering just copying her buys each month. I’d be better off.


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