Last American Healthcare REIT (AHR) Post Until November – Evaluation is ramping up quicker than expected. . .

I say last post but only because I made my only other post 3 days ago but it seems the pace has ramped up quickly since then – I'm just giving this one last emphasis because it's generally quick moving for an REIT but with the latest PT increases, future of real estate and the cuts occurring before the end of the year and the annual conference occuring in November – I figured I'd make one more for others' sake. Here's my previous:

I previously tried to simplify the positive future outlook and performance of this recently public healthcare REIT through my own logical assumptions but frankly the company itself puts the quantitative growth in the near future that much more promising. As a dividend stock that is just making its early beginnings in the market and finding it's proper evaluation – think it is facing a catalyst of growth with the rate cuts, the recovery of healthcare real estate from the high level of interest and the growing age of America.

This morning Bank of America raised its PT to $27/sh shortly after breaking the $19 previously broken last week. Currently the majority of analyst ratings match to a buy rating for this REIT that went public in February and has only had positive growth since then, increased dividends and the way I see it will be my long and hopeful chunk of the real estate portion of my portfolio.

Economists estimate multiple cuts before the end of the year with Powell unloading possibly the details of what will occur in September this week and this could prime the company for steadily ramped up expansion in the coming year.

I'll be back in November before the 3rd (?) cut. Healthcare REITs have taken a hit the last 3 years with a decline and I'm eyeballing some safe real estate options with the turn of the probable influx of loaning and spending – but I feel the chances of a good turn-around for this sector on top of the under-evaluation it is experiencing will bring this up as a solid investment for the institutions soon.


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