KRBN still up and continuing to go up in a sea of red. Global trend towards carbon tax, carbon “markets” for trading carbon credits?

KRBN is an ETF I've been following closely. Does anyone have opinions of this? Seems to be picking up some steam of finance discussion forums due to new policies that are being rolled out regarding carbon emissions taxes.

Also seems to be a trend that the entire western world, and even China, are moving forward. A “carbon tax” where “credits” are traded and can be bought and sold by individual investors on a carbon “market”.

Many are predicting that KRBN might be hurt if Republicans take over in November elections… but I'm not sure it's so simple. Regardless of what you think about climate change, most people believe it is a threat we need to deal with and I think even most Republicans acknowledge that something has to be done. Europe is already full steam ahead with their carbon credit system and I believe the US will follow, since even China is “following”.

What do people think about this ETF?


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